Research Topics

Research Topics

Here are brief descriptions of research topics that may be investigated as part of the program. Industrial partner organizations are designated with an asterisk (*).

Governing Algorithms In The Big Data Era — Balancing New Digital Rights

Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). Algorithms govern a large part of our human activities and there is a risk of losing control of individual decisions. Algorithms and information systems increasingly constitute new de facto norms, regulations, duties and The research aims to investigate how the IoE is governed by algorithms, how predictable are those algorithms, and to what extent can the algorithmic paradigm limit the capacity of people to determine their existence. Università Degli Studi Di Torino (UNITO) (second semester). Universidad Politécnica De Madrid (UPM) (third semester). BitNomos (sixth semester).

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UNIBO (first semester)

Big Data Analysis Systems in IoE Environments for Managing Privacy and Digital Identity: Pseudonymity, Deanonymization, and the Right to be Forgotten

Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). The IoE works on the basis of Big Data. This project aims to investigate big data analysis systems in conjunction with the issues of privacy, de-anonymization and the right to be forgotten. Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB) (second semester). University Of Vienna, Centre For Computers And Law (UNIVIE) (third semester). BitNomos (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UNIBO (first semester)

Internet of Data: Fundamental Rights in the Context of the IoE and Big Data

Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institut Für Rechtsinformatik (LUH) (third semester). The objective of this research project is to study different models of genomic data sharing and to analyze associated ethical concerns in the light of overarching principles of human subject research and personal data protection. By studying the ethical and legal challenges of genomic data sharing and analyzing the sufficiency of current policies and regulatory responses to these concerns, the project aims to promote responsible and progressive data sharing practices. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB) (second semester). Consoft*(sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: LUH (third semester)

Security and Privacy of Resource Constrained Devices

Université Du Luxembourg (UL) (third semester). Recent hackers’ attacks have shown the vulnerability of IoT devices due to their limited computing power. Given also their ubiquitous presence, lower costs and limitations in keeping security measures up to date they represent a growing risk for the security of IT infrastructures. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). Università Degli Studi Di Torino (UNITO) (second semester). S21SEC* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UL (third semester)

Internet of Things (Law): Legal Liability of IoE Devices in the Home

Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) (third semester). The number of safety concerns and safety standards grows exponentially with the number of IoEDevices.The IoE will transform the way we interact, conduct business and live our lives. Many legal aspects, especially as regards the home, will need extensive analysis to be fully understood. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). Università Degli Studi Di Torino (UNITO) (second semester). LIC* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: MRU (third semester)

Surveillance Risks in Iot Applied to Smart Cities

Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB) (second semester). With the advent of the IoT, proximity sensor devices are installed in many places in smart cities.Without any regulation or social policy, they could lead to e a super-surveillance network managed by multi-agent systems in the future. Such networks may be able to reduce accidents, risks, damage and errors. However, they also pose high risk of surveillance and data breaches, including hacking attacks or malware intrusion. The project is intended to investigate the ethical impacts of such model of surveillance. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centre For It And Ip Law (KUL) (third semester). S21SEC* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UAB (second semester)

Location Privacy and Inference in Online Social Networks

Universidad Politécnica De Madrid (UPM) (third semester). Ubiquitous connectivity with mobile phones and information posted by users provides social networks with information about the users’ location and activities. This information is used by them to recommend opportunities to users but also to establish prices in e-commerce and to sell users’ data to data collectors. The interference on our lives are clear, both in a positive and negative sense. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). Università Degli Studi Di Torino (UNITO) (second semester). S21SEC* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UPM (third semester)

Neo-Commodification of Persons: The Exploitation of Personal Data and Impact on the Sharing Economy

Università Degli Studi Di Torino (UNITO) (second semester). Two trends are converging raising the risk of a neo-commodification of persons: 1) a huge amount of data is collected about internet users and fed to opaque algorithms deciding an increasing number of aspects of our life; 2) labour is changed its meaning with the transformation of consumers in prosumers with the sharing economy and work is parcellized. The use of personal data in this context of fragmentation risks to be disruptive. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). University Of Vienna, Centre For Computers And Law (UNIVIE) (third semester). Nomotika* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UNITO (second semester)

Influenceable Autonomy and Predictable Freedom in the IoE

Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). The IoE is based on predictive algorithms to predict behaviours. For instance, in the future we will be able to get our preferred book from Amazon without even having to order it. This approach could produce standardization of behaviour, impair autonomous decision-making, and lead to lack of real freedom. The project aims to investigate the level of freedom the end user can maintain in situations where multi-agent systems decide on behalf of the individual and what kind of autonomy the individual can develop if all the options are previously detected and addressed. Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB) (second semester). Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) (third semester). IOOOTA* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UNIBO (first semester)

Big Data for Health in IoE in Emergency Situations

Università Degli Studi Di Torino (UNITO) (third semester). The IoE is applicable to health not only in the sports domain, but also for monitoring undesirable events (e.g., domestic accidents involving elderly people, detecting crash of vital signs with wearable wireless sensors, distribution of ambulances and availability of hospitals). To help people in these emergency situations, a large amount of data is needed, sometimes without the consent of the patient. This project is intended to investigate IT approaches respecting both the right to health and the right to privacy in emergency situations. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). Université Du Luxembourg (UL) (second semester – 9 months in total). Caretek* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UNITO (third semester)

Internet of Healthcare (Law): Privacy and Data Protection Aspects in IoE

University Of Vienna, Centre For Computers And Law (UNIVIE) (third semester). The quality of the life and health of the citizen can be improved by the IoE, in particular clinical data can be shared with different health institutions and the entire clinical history of each individual can be maintained and offer potentiality for diagnosis, interpretation and statistics. Despite the obvious clinical advantages, on the other hand this trend causes clear security, legal, ethical and trust issues. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB) (second semester). TuOTempo* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UNIVIE (third semester)

Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of E-Health Regarding Sharing Personal Sensitive Data on an IoE Platform

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centre For It And Ip Law (KUL) (third semester). To elaborate an ethical model for balancing the rights of citizens with market growth in the IoE, with particular regard to the eHealth domain. There are different rights in the eHealth sector which interconnect and conflict with the IoE platform and devices. The quality of the life and health of the citizen can be improved by IoE. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB)-OBD* (second semester). Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB). Bioseka* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: KUL (third semester)

Risk Analysis and Regulatory Compliance of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) for Transaction and Management of Securities

Université Du Luxembourg (UL) (third semester). Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) are fairly new. An in-depth risk analysis is therefore needed. The aim of this research track is to provide a comprehensive account of the risks associated with the use of DLTs in transacting and managing securities. The research will assess the risks, advantages and drawbacks of DLTs in this specific domain in comparison with other existing technologies for managing and transacting with securities. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). Università Degli Studi Di Torino (UNITO) (second semester). Nomotika* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UL (third semester)

Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) — Between Anonymity and Publicity

Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB) (second semester). DLTs challenge several tenets of the law. One key problem is the current state of anonymity in several applications, in particular with regards of KYC and AML regulations. This research track aims to explore the challenges of DLTs applications in the tension between the value of publicity in the law and several anonymous and pseudonymous implementations in the IoM landscape. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester). Universidad Politécnica De Madrid (UPM) (third semester). Agile lab* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UAB (second semester)

Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) — Beyond Financial Applications: E-Democracy and New Forms of Governance

University Of Vienna, Centre For Computers And Law (UNIVIE) (third semester). DLTs constitute a platform suited for the implementation of new forms of governance and eDemocracy by enabling trusted transactions (and computation) across the internet. Whether DLTs will fundamentally change the very concepts of eDemocracy and governance, or improve existing models is the main aim of this research track. Università Degli Studi Di Bologna (UNIBO) (first semester. Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona (UAB) (second semester). Agile lab* (sixth semester)

Beneficiary University/Host Institution: UNIVIE (third semester)